
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Keindahan Pulau Sempu, Cagar tanpa “Pagar”

Fren! weekend ini kita ke Malang yuk, gw mau dateng ke Pulau Sempu nih.. bagus tempatnya masih alami “Ucap ku sambil menunjukan layar google images dengan search word Pulau Sempu” . Itu sepenggal kata-kata yang aku ucapkan beberapa tahun lalu ketika tinggal di kota pahlawan untuk suatu project. Aku mengajak rekan kerjaku untuk menemaniku berakhir pekan ke kota Malang. Selain berwisata kuliner, tentu saja mengunjungi Pulau Sempu.
Mereka sempat tertegun dan membisu karena belum pernah dengar nama tempat itu.. Ya, pada saat itu pulau ini belum sepopuler sekarang karena umumnya orang-orang yang datang ketempat ini lebih didominasi untuk berkunjung ke Pantai Sendang biru yang merupakan lokasi untuk menyebrang ke Pulau Sempu.
Bertubi-tubi pertanyaan yang mereka layangkan mengenai tempat ini, jujur saja aku pun masih buta dengan kondisi dipulau ini karena masih minimnya informasi yang didapat diperoleh dari internet. Nama pulau inipun aku peroleh dari rekomendasi beberapa temanku yang pernah kesana. Agak sulit untuk menyakinkan mereka untuk berpetualang dengan mengikuti caraku menjadi independent traveler mengatur perjalanan sendiri, penginapan begitujuga dengan transportasinya ngeteng bus dan ngangkot.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Enjoying The View of 5 Mountains at Ketep Pass

One of the favorite travel destination in the Magelang, Indonesia is Ketep Pass. From here you can enjoy a panoramic view of five Mount in one place.  You can enjoy the scenery of Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, Mount Selamet, Mount Sindoro, and Mount Sumbing.
Ketep Pass situated at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level, located 116.8 miles from the Dieng Plateau, and 26.2 km from the city of Magelang. From this location you enjoy an attractive panorama of Mount Merapi - Merbabu with terraced plantations and farms. Besides being able to enjoy the natural scenery with views of Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Mount Selamet, Mount Sindoro and Sumbing, you also got a great view of mountains that you can see from the Ketep Pass such as Telomoyo, Dieng, Andong and Menoreh hills.
Facilities in this place is quite complete and has been organized, Ketep Pass has a large parking area to accommodate motor vehicles, can also accommodate large bus commonly used for travel bus. One of the facilities you should visit is Ketep Volcano Theatre, located in the courtyard of the Panca Arga with admission fee 5000 Rupiah. In this theater you will be presented with a short movie that lasted about 25 minutes with the title "The Life of Merapi Land" telling about history and theory of the origin formation of Mount Merapi Volcano, research activities, climbing dan hiking activities and also history about the eruption of Mount Merapi.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dieng Plateau, A Land Above The Clouds

In Central Java Indonesia, there is Dieng Plateau known as the World's Second Plateau After Nepal on 2093 meters high above sea level or reach a height of 6000 feet. Dieng plateau situated in the Banjarnegara and Wonosobo district that is located in the west of the complex and the Mount Sindoro Sumbing, where the administration of the government, the Dieng Plateau Region as a part of Wonosobo district, the village of Dieng Kulon, Batur subdistrict, district Kejajar, District Banjarnegara and Dieng Wetan.
Same like The Yellowstone in the USA or Tengger Plateau in East Java Indonesia, Dieng Plateau is plain with volcanic activity below the surface that can be said is a giant volcano. There is a caldera with the mountains surrounding the edges and there are many craters as a discharge of gas, water vapor and various other volcanic material. The average altitude is about 2,000 meters above sea level. The temperatures at Dieng Plateau is ranging from 15 to 20 ° C during the day and 10 ° C at night.
Based on Kailasa Museum and The Dieng Plateau Theatre, there is an explanation of the origin of the word Dieng which is Dieng comes from the combination of two words Sundanese Kuna: Di which means a place or mountain and Hyang it means God. Thus, Dieng means mountainous where the Gods and Goddesses residing. Dieng name comes from Sundanese language as estimated in the pre-Medang and Galuh kingdom era.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Pearl of Jakarta, a Thousand Islands

     Undeniably, the Internet's role in this modern era makes information about travel flow so fast. From time to time I visited a Thousand Islands, the number of tourists visiting this islands on the rise and become crowded. The increase can also be offset by the developing of facilities and good transportation. It was answered by the provincial administration of DKI Jakarta in early 2012 to inaugurated a new Muara Angke Port Ships, and we wish in the future the number of ships will increase in order to meet the transportation needs of the tourists so that each vessel departing passengers can meet safety standards according to capacity. With the presence of this new port of course makes the condition more comfortable than the previous which was merged with the fishing boats dock.
     From the Muara Angke Port Ships there are many destinations among other things destination to Pulau  Tidung (Tidung island), Pulau Pramuka (Pramuka Island), Pulau Untung Jawa (Untung Jawa Island) and Pulau Kelapa or Pulau Harapan. For destination to Pulau Tidung and Pulau Pramuka its cost 30,000 rupiah one way, and for destination to Pulau Kelapa or Pulau Harapan its cost around 35.000 rupiah with a long travel approximately 3 to 4 hours depending on weather conditions at sea.
   Just because the name is a Thousand Islands, it does not mean the number of islands in the archipelago is a thousand, because many islands are abraded and gradually disappear gradually sinking due to rising sea levels. Based on the number of islands in the Thousand Islands regency administration to 110 islands.